Animation is a form of art that gives movement to inanimate objects, starting from a blank page. The illusion of life in the present day has attracted a lot of interest, and scholars are beginning to study the medium not as an acquaintance of cinema, but in its own peculiarities. However, due to the high demand for animated fiction and the growing complexity of animated works, the animation industry has grown exponentially, from West to East, and has been forced to change the way things have been done since the dawn of time: for example, style and animation methods have changed, and the way animated text is presented has shifted accordingly: different styles of technical animation have been used to meet the needs of the industry. Since animation consists entirely of non-existent characters and situations, and the movement it depicts is also non-existent, different realities are conveyed and others are hidden uder the surface of the animated scene. If an animated text is usually studied as an output, as a clip in which the proximity of the frames already works its magic, the speech wants to dwell in an "aberrant decoding" of the animated works, analysing them closely, frame by frame, to see how different juxtapositions or rough smearing on the cells can affect the meaning of an animated scene.