The connections between signs and reality constitute one of the more important fields of semiotics research. Regarding the arts, we can ask the question of which kind of reality we analyze; and later if artistic reality interacts with non-artistic one – and in which way. This paper could be an introduction to a panel dedicated to Semiotic and artistic realities. I would like to give some axes for reflection in the panel as well as develop a few ideas about connections between art(s), reality(realities), and semiotics. First of all, art could be considered as a tool of communication, often using signs, symbols, and codes as the basic elements that serve, among others, to respond to and create a reality. It contributes to the creation of the multiverse, multi-reality, and the perception of reality in many layers. This applies to each field of art – from the most traditional ones (related to word, sound, or image) to the most recent multi- and transmedial. My first question is: how we can understand the reality(realities) created by art(s). The next one is: which actions do art(s) react(s) in front of reality. The third is: how many realities art(s) can create and which are their connections with human reality. Finally, which elements the artists use to create reality and in which ways they communicate it to their public; in other words: which kinds of signs, symbols, and codes are employed by artists in different arts to create, code, and decode various elements of reality(realities).