Charles Peirce is credited as the first thinker to articulate a Semiology, i.e, to formulate reasonable reasoning as semiotic theory and communicological practice. The evidence of reasoning is manifest (presence) in human speech / song as a first judgment of consciousness (story) and recorded (absence) as a second judgement of experience in human language (history). The combination [Aitia]* of such temporal moments constitutes a third moment (Intentionality)* that is fixed in memory as spatial (embodied mind; “internal time consciousness”). Such a conscious experience for a human being is the phenomenological communication of an embodied Symbol (combined time/space), but shared (divided), in dialogue—the speaking sound (trope) of a language gesture (figure) that is re-membered as a Symptom.The constituted Relations [Aitia] are Firstness (Singularity), Secondness (Particularity), and Thirdness (Universality). The three Relations [Trivium] bind four spatial Categories of Memory [Quadrivium]: (A) Substance and (a) Attribute (Quality, Hierarchy [Self / Same]), together with (B) Whole and (b) Part (Quantity, Heterarchy [Other /Different]). This Complexity System of quadrature displays the reversibility, reflexivity, and reflectivity of all three Relations.The summary name for this model of Relations and Categories is Chiasm. Historically speaking, it's a synergism structure [ A : B : : b : a ] of the Aristotelian “Logic Square” and the Greimasian “Semiotic Square”, both derived from the Thales “Mathematic Square” or Intersect Theorem of {Golden Ratio of 1.6 }. The chiasm symbol is ⟗ (Peirce’s and Lévi-Strauss’ “Twist”).*Aitia = “Causality of Question and Answer [Aition].*Intentionality = Brentano’s term.