Pierre Guiraud has described the various technological media as extensions of embodied senses and functions, noting that even “electronic circuits” become extensions of the central nervous system. How we comport ourselves using technologies such as social media, video conferencing, smart artefacts, and the more recent emergence of AI, threatens to obscure or replace embodiment behind a misunderstood transparency of tools creates a psychosis in which presence is made absence (repression). AI voices replace human voices; glances in video conferencing become the gaze, the body replaced by dysmorphia; the mind is replaced by the brain; electronic stimuli replace human experience; and AI content replaces human discourse. Karl Jaspers might characterize this obfuscation as morbidity. For him, the technologies themselves are mostly neutral, but our comportment to them is not. My paper is a semiotic phenomenology in which I trace the semiotic reverses of encoding and decoding and the phenomenological inverses of message and code to reveal the problematic of these technologies as cyphers of perfection (ideality), and the obfuscation/replacement of embodiment as the rise of (and failure to recognize) our mediation as constituting an avatar (Surreality). The recovery of embodiment (reality) re-values and re-integrates disparate technological media as signs (actuality, embodied relations) wherein absence is made presence linking content to Discourse as shared conscious experience. Thus, we re-value and re-integrate media, not as transparent tools, but as cybernetic mechanisms, extensions of senses and functions beyond the tools themselves through an unending historical expression of truth as communicability.