According to Saussure’s theory of linguistics, a langage is considered to be a language without parole (use of French terms to be precise). To design etymologically means to express a sign. To de-symbolize a sign, so as not to treat the relationship of the signifier-signified as fixed, as a symbol. Design’s ‘definition’ shifts to one that is not limited to its practice; for instance, industrial design. In a broader sense semiotics is the field of studying the system of signs in a general cultural context, can we treat design as a particular kind of linguistic expressive system? If so, what are the basic qualities of this system?Therefore, we designers are involved with building semiotics on an artefact or a print or digital product. How do we do that? There are various methods and methodologies of creativity and creation, but can a field like Lacanian psychoanalysis be the answer? Specifically, the three orders of our psychic mechanisms: the Symbolic, the Imaginary and the Real. From now on the RSI. For matters of consistency with the context of the conference, we will focus on the Symbolic function. Is design a structure? If so, what are its main characteristics? And how does it relate to contemporary semiotics? How are Jacobson’s metaphor and metonymy involved?In this article, I will try to establish a connection between the three fields focusing on the investigation of the semiotic system of signifier - signified – meaning within them to inform a contemporary design discourse.