Lily Alexanders discussions of architectonics are explained as thematic explication through, spatial organisation of dramatic semiotic materials which organise a narrative unfolding of beginning, middle and end. In this sense architectonics form a particular type of chronotope, which synthesis space and time in a narratological setting. Architecture becomes an actor in the expression of plot through a thematic diegetic thematic synthesis, interpolating spatial design into mimesis. Traversing narrative instances of order and decay are syntagmatic to dramaturgical strategy. Drawing on Alexanders synopsis of narratological unfolding of transformation of architectural and other topology, I will discuss the in relation of shifting spatial designs to their rhetorical expression, citing case studies from several narrative titles. I will launch off of architectonics as a framework and apply this analysis towards several forms of multi modal expressions, including video games, film and sub genres of audio visual narration. In particular, I will focus on key turning points of these narratives which tend to be associated with clear thematic explication. These charged plot points in turn index what Alexander refers to as the ‘sacred centre’ which intersects with a thematic exposition, which balances two halves of a diegetic reality, separating the known and familiar with the unknown and feared.