For semiotic theory, already in Greimas and Jacques Fontanille the Body has a central place.But the more in-depth problem (following Darrault and Fontanille 2019) is the description of the relationships between body – psyche, most of the time replaced by a transcendental philosophy which seeks through invariant cognitive categories to apprehend reality, excluding reality. They can have mini-immanent structures of subsets of reality, tested experimentally, but they are mini fractals that need to be inserted into a total reality. The meaning of this communication is the synthesis of the empirical findings of transdisciplinary research done for us in relation to video games and Internet navigation. One hand we have grasped two completely polar situations: a) subjects that are involved bodily with games (combat) and the computer screen, in the manifestation of emotion (instinctively) which we operationalized with ocular behavior and body movement (camera, and after eyes tracking) following the description of Wilhem Reich (physics-biology-psychoanalysis-sociology). We mixed semiotic analysis and in-depth semi-structured interviews; and b) subjects and that they distance themselves and they look at everything (strategy), it is a question of a logical operator put into action with foreclosure of all bodily manifestation. On the other hand, the description tells us that they are based on a principle of flight and/or affirmation of a social order (the place of affects), which refers to socio-political processes which must be detected in space coordinates. - sociological time.