This work focuses on the imaginaries linked to mess and organization in the context of Brazilian society based on the circulation of meanings caused by the exhibition in the country of the series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”, starring the Japanese organization guru, Marie Kondo, on the Netflix platform. The objective of the research is to understand which cultural aspects linked to the consumption rituals of use, possession and disposal were transposed beyond the domestic environment, caused by the sign production of the reality show. The theoretical references mobilized integrates the theory of mediatic representation proposed by Hall (2016), in the suggestive, indicative and representative power of signs in Peirce's semiotic triad (SANTAELLA, 2018), in consumption rituals as vehicles for transmitting meaning proposed by McCracken (2003) and Perez (2020) and by communication illustrated by the production of memes, discussed by Chagas (2018). The methodology used involved semiotic analysis of posts produced by Brazilians on platform X, which reference the series between 2019 and 2022, in addition to the analysis of the episodes referred to in such posts.Based on the theoretical reference studied and the results of the empirical analyses, it is concluded that the signs produced by the series were used to illustrate Brazilian daily life beyond the residential organization, being instruments of representation of the space-time experienced by residents and a tool for dialogue about the political and social moment the country was going through at the time.