In recent years, several works by the greatest semiotic masters of the recent past (Barthes, Lotman, Eco, Fabbri...) have been published or republished in Italy, in which they critically examine the uses of a so-called 'standard' semiotics, if we refer to Greimasian semiotics, or the divisive distinction between an interpretative and a generative semiotics, a semiotics of narrativity and a semiotics of inference. I refer, for example, to Paolo Fabbri's book 'La svolta semiotica' (The semiotic Turn 1998-2024) in which he questions the view of semiotics as a canon, that is, as a set of a priori principles that fix its legitimate use. Rather, it is a matter of taking a stand in favor of a vision of semiotics as an organon, as suggested by Bruno Latour, that is, to some extent as a set of rules and models of practical use, local rather than universal, without losing sight of their possible generalization. In this contribution to the discussion we will try to highlight the most interesting aspects of this debate, trying to relate it productively to what will be presented by the panel proposers, with a view to a theoretical-methodological renewal of the discipline and a consolidation of its openings to new areas of interest.