Sep 3, 2024 12:00 PM
To be confirmed

Semiotic complexity of cultural and natural systems and their adaptive relationships with internal and external environments in all spheres of the physical and spiritual cosmos

Semiotic complexity of cultural and natural systems and their adaptive relationships with internal and external environments in all spheres of the physical and spiritual cosmos

[PA] Sign Systems and Sign Users in Ecological Settings (Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik)
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Paweł Kojs
Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden – Center for Biologi-cal Diversity Conservation in Powsin
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This paper aiming to contribute to the panel on “Sign Systems and Sign Users in Ecological Settings” will introduce the participants of the IASS/AIS World Congress 2024 in Warsaw, devoted to “Signs and Realities,” to the main ideas of the symposium, organized in the Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden Center for Biological Diversity Conservation in Powsin, Poland, under the title “Ecophenomenology & Semiotics of Complex Systems Adaptation: Exploring Experiential Alterations of Sign Processes in Natural and Cultural Milieus.” What will especially be exposed are the topics of sustaining the diversity of stress-resistant ecosystems, the semiotic adaptability of complex living and non-living systems, as well as experiencing the world as spheres of sign, life and mind. Special attention will be posted on experiential links between environments of adaptive systems. Moreover, principal emphasis will be placed on the interchangeability of subject- and object roles along with the interconnectedness between adaptive influential systems and adapted underlying ecosystems. The notion of adaptation will be applied to a broad context of adjustment of complex systems to their scientific, social, technological, and civilizational environments. Once the levels of adaptivity have been identified, it becomes possible to use them as models of another less well-studied reality, This category of adaptive systems can encompass both physical systems: quanta, atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, ecosystems, biosphere, hydro-sphere, geosphere, a star with a planetary system, a galaxy, a group of gravitationally bound galaxies, or, finally, the cosmological, and cultural systems: from meanings to concepts, languages, world-views, theories, cultures or civilizations.

2.158 room, WLS (Dobra 55 street)

Explore Sessions

Mickiewicz Hall, Auditorium Maximum (Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28 str.)
Congress events
Opening Ceremony

September 2, 2024
Congress events
Mickiewicz Hall, Auditorium Maximum (Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28 str.)
Mickiewicz Hall, Auditorium Maximum (Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28 str.)
From Signs of Language to Semioses of Life: Paradigms and Turns in Global Semiotics

September 2, 2024
Mickiewicz Hall, Auditorium Maximum (Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28 str.)
Australia Hall, WLS (Dobra 55 street)
Coffee break [catering]

September 2, 2024
Australia Hall, WLS (Dobra 55 street)
Paweł Kojs