The goal of this presentation is to highlight the semiotic aspect of my paper, "Tik Tok Talk", which will investigate lexico-grammatical patterns of Speech Acts in medical information dissemination on Tik Tok. Specficially, the structure of discourse, possible differences of lexico-grammatical patterns amongst professions, hedging and boosting, modal verbs to express possibilities or recommendations, and lexical choices to establish audience rapport with the audience will be investigated. The paper argues for the use of corpus linguistics methods in pragmatics as well as the development of a new field "digital pragmatics" parallel to digital discourse analysis. The paper concludes with a discussion about whether or not it is appropriate to develop a new typology of digital speech acts given the unique environment and communication styles of the digital world. To relate the paper to semiotics, I would like to start by going over signs and symbols present within Tik Tok, ranging from the visual to linguistic elements. In particular, the indexicality of both speech acts an indexicality specific to tik tok will be explored. Indexical speech acts indicating strengths of recommendations and severity of specific "cases" will be explored. Page (2012) and Marwick & Lewis (2017) have shown that new digital tools such as hashtags and likes draw indexical relations between audience and content on twitter - this indexical relation will be explored in the space of information dissemination on TikTok. To conclude, an open discussion on digital signs, digital pragmatics and digital discourse analysis will be welcomed.